The Unconventional Investor
The financial services industry is primed to sell as much ‘investment product’ to as many people as possible and ‘long only’ is what sells. Average investors are spoilt for choice. This is not the case for investors that don’t seek comfort in the herd. They think for themselves and are willing to work a little harder to find suitable investment vehicles.
If diversifying an investment portfolio was easy, the average investor would have done it and not lost out in the 2008/09 financial crash. Ordinary investors buy off the shelf. The product they buy is designed by investment houses. Investment houses design ‘investment product’ that will sell and generate fees – performance is less important. That is how the industry works.
The ordinary investor is looking at a forest of investments – buy domestic stocks, buy windfarms, buy foreign stocks, buy European bank stocks, buy battery makers, buy property, buy Brazil, buy bitcoin, buy cannabis stocks and on and on.
The unconventional investor wants his portfolio to perform in booms and crashes and everything in between. He needs a portfolio with real diversity. The Great O’Neill provides a real alternative to the ‘buy everything crowd’. We offer unconventional investors a genuine alternative to conventional ‘long only’ investments. We are untethered to the performance of stock, property, bond and commodity markets.